所有人都以为Serena发疯了要结婚,B G携手弄砸了婚礼,却发现S只是两位David先生的伴娘而已。S解释她消失的原因她要开始没有上东区的生活。




Steven Spence



T.E.D. Conference

Will someone tell me what's going on here? Why are the maid of honor's friends ruining David and David's wedding? I know I have some explaining to do. But can we talk, just the two of us, please? No. No one goes anywhere. No more lies. I have proof that you're on drugs. I found these in your bathroom. Yeah, those are vitamins. Okay. Like we're supposed to believe that. Steven makes them. He has a holistic health company. Wait. You're Steven Spence. I saw you speak at the T.E.D. Conference last year. I told you I was fine. Actually, no, you didn't. Yeah, Dan is right. You fell off the face of the earth without a word. But isn't that what you wanted? You kicked me out of your house. You said you have no reason to ever speak to me again. And, what, you two were too busy doing whatever it is you do to even send a text? I spent the summer in the Middle East dealing with something relating to my father. It's serious. Well, and so am I about turning my life around. Wait a second. Blair, you two spent the summer apart? I started my summer on a train being revived by paramedics. Mouth-to-mouth on public transportation? Yeah, I'd say that's rock bottom. Yeah, I would, too, which is why I wanted to start fresh without any of you. As for why I pretended to be someone else. Well, I think that explains itself.
有人能告诉我到底发生了什么吗? 为什么伴郎的朋友会破坏大卫和大卫的婚礼? 我知道我该做些解释。 但我们能谈谈吗?就我们两个,好吗? 不行,任何人都不准走。 不要再说谎了。我有证据表明你在嗑药。 我在你的浴室发现了这些东西。 是的,那些是维他命。 你以为我们能相信你的话? 那是Steven制造的。 他有一整家医药公司。 等等, 你是Steven Spence 我去年在 T.E.D.大会上听过你的演说。 我告诉过你们我很好。 事实上,你没有。 对, Dan是对的。 你就好像从人间蒸发一样。 那不正是你想要的吗?你把我赶出了公寓。 你说过再也不会跟我说话。 你们两个忙得都没空给我发条短信吗? 我整个夏天都呆在中东处理与我父亲有关的事情,很重要。 我也是。试图改变我的人生。 等下,Blair,你们两个夏天没在一起? 我暑期一开始就上了火车。之后被医护人员救醒。 被医务人员当众人工呼吸? 我不得不说这真是糟透了。 是啊,我也这么觉得。 所以我才会想在没有你们的情况下重新开始生活。 所以我用了假名字。 好吧,我想这就是我的解释。 注释: 1)holistic [ho'lɪstɪk] adj.整体的,全盘的 例句:They have one of the only holistic health programs in the country. 那是全国唯一的一个整体健康项目。 2)T.E.D Conference 技术娱乐设计大会。是technology, entertainment, design的首字母缩写。 3)paramedic n. 护理人员;伞兵军医;伞降医务人员