



S:_____________1___________ B, that nurse wasn't an angel.


S: That wasn't a miracle. That was modern medicine. Chuck is fine now. God would understand you changed your mind.

B: Don't you think I've tried. ____________3__________________I went to talk to father Smythe about it this afternoon.

S: Blair, it's good to see you. And you, Dan. Why don't we go into my office?

B: Thank you, father Smythe. _______________4____________________

D: Oh,you know,excuse me.I gotta take this.

S: What wrong, Blair. I saw Chuck last night. That must have been difficult.


S: That's between you and God. I’ll give you a moment.

D: Blair, are you okay?

That's why you cut Chuck out of your life? I know that, but one minute he was dead, and then I made a promise, and he was alive. I've been going to church every day. Dan's been going with me, trying to figure out a way through this. Having the key so I can escape at any hour is the only thing that's kept me from losing my mind. I still love him. It's not fair. He's alive. But I feel dead inside without him. If I broke off my engagement and begged Chuck to take me back, God would have to understand, wouldn't he?
所以你把恰克驱逐出你的世界了吗。B,那个护士不是天使。 我知道但是,前一分钟他还生死未卜,然后,我许下诺言,他活了下来。 这不是奇迹,这是现代医学。恰克现在很好,上帝会理解你改变心意的。 难道你认为我没有试过吗?我每天都去教堂,丹陪着我,我试图找出路。今天我和斯麦斯神父谈了谈。 布莱尔,很高兴见到你。丹,你也是。咱们去办公室聊聊? 谢谢你,斯麦斯神父。我有钥匙,我可以自由出入,不然我随时都会失去理智。 抱歉,我去接个电话。 怎么了,布莱尔。我昨晚和恰克见面了。 这对你来说很难吧。 我仍然爱他,这不公平。但虽然活下来了,但是没有他的陪伴,我心如死灰。要是我解除婚约,祈求恰克回到我身边,上帝会理解的,对吗? 那是你和上帝之间的事情,你好好想想吧。 布莱尔,你还好吧。