





S: When Louis told me you were coming to the party, I didn't know that meant to hide in the bathroom the whole time.

B:_____________1___________ the other with light-reflecting powder.

S: B, what's going on. I feel like we've barely talked since you've been backed.

B: __________2__________________

S: You've had your wedding planned since you were 12. ___________3__________

D: I'm sorry, Blair. But you lost the baby.

C: Where's Chuck?

S: B,__________________4_______________

 D: Any word on a family member for that blood transfusion?

B: _______________5________________

D: Blair Waldorf? Chuck Bass is asking for you.

B: ________________6__________________

I'm not hiding. I'm primping. They're very different. One is done in a dark corner, Wedding planning has been all-consuming. Whatever it is, you can tell me. he lost a lot of blood, and he never woke up. So it's not looking good. Please, God. You have my baby, you can't take Chuck,too. If you exist, let him live. I'll do anything. I promise I'll keep my vow to marry Louis, and never be with him again. Just because we can't be together, doesn't mean I won't love you.
当路易告诉我你要来聚会的时候,我没想到这意味着你会全程躲洗手间啊。 我没在躲,我在补妆。它们完全不同。一个是在阴暗里角落里偷偷摸摸,另一个只需亮闪闪的粉饼。 B,出什么事了。我觉得从你回来之后,我很少和你聊天。 在忙结婚计划。 你从12岁就开始忙结婚计划了。不管什么是,告诉我吧。 布莱尔,我很抱歉。孩子没了。 恰克在哪? B,他失血过多还没有醒,情况不是很乐观。 有没有家人为他输血? 上帝,求你了,你已经夺走了我的孩子,不要把恰克也带走。如果你真的存在,请让他活下去吧。我愿意做任何事。我答应你,我会遵守和路易结婚,并且不再见他的誓言。 布莱尔霍道福吗?恰克巴斯想见你。 我们不能在一起,并不意味着我会停止对你的爱。