<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> V: I found your book. D: My what? "Inside." V: Dan, it's, [---1---] D: You went through my stuff? Vanessa, you have no right to do that. V: I know, and I'm sorry. It's just this could be the best satire on the upper east side since "Bonfire of the vanities." [---2---]? D: Uh, five years, off and on. Now put it back, and we can forget you found it. I always thought Serena was the reason you fell into the upper east side, but it was more than that. D: Vanessa, seriously, this is none of your business. V: You always wanted in, maybe more than Jenny. D: Of course, the irony is that if I ever show it to anyone, it'll guarantee my outsider status forever. V: Dan, [---3---] You have to stand alone to observe it and not care whose feelings you hurt or what people think of you. D: Those people are my friends, my best friends, my family. V: Well, it's not like any of them come across worse than you do, and there's a certain someone that might actually like the way she's painted. And I'm not talking about Serena. [---4---] Take a stand. [---5---]
it's incredible. How long have you been working on this you know as well as I do you can't be an insider and make great art. Get it published. Be a great man instead of always being a good boy.
V:不 抱歉 我...被你逮个正着 我看到你的书了 D:什么书 V:《围城》 丹 你写的太精彩了 D:你居然翻了我的东西 瓦内萨 你无权翻看我的东西 V:我知道 对不起 不过这应该是自《虚荣的篝火》以后 对上东区生活讽刺的最到位的作品了 你写了多久呀 D:断断续续地写了五年 现在 你把书放回原位 我就当这事没发生过 V:我一直以为 你是因为瑟琳娜 才动了想步入上东区生活的想法 现在看来另有原因 D:瓦内萨 说真的 这些都不关你的事 V:你一直想进这个圈子 D:可能比珍妮还想 是啊 讽刺的是 如果我坦白了这一点 我将永远走不进这个圈子 V:丹 你我都清楚 进入上流社会和 艺术创作是不可兼得的 你只能以旁观者的身份才能写出好作品 你不能担心自己会伤害到谁的感情 或是别人如何看你 D:那些人是我的朋友 是我最好的朋友 是我的家人 V:可他们的处境绝不会像你这样悲催 总有一个人 会喜欢你描写她的方式 我说的不是瑟琳娜 把书拿去出版吧 表明你的立场 做一个好男人 而不只是个好男孩