<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> C: The nice guy actually wins. J: [---1---], not to defile the Bass name and lose her to a family of titled circus performers. R: I know what you did, dad. T: Honey, what are you talking about? R: [---2---] T: Did, uh, Chuck Bass tell you that? He's lying. [---3---] Why don't I come and take you to dinner, and, uh, we can talk about it? R: Don't come near me. [---4---], my whole life. T: Raina, please. R: You're as dead to me as my mother is.
I'm counting on you You're the reason my mother is dead. He's trying to cover his own guilt. The only one lying is you
C:关于这一点 我会找到大团圆的捷径 在好好先生真正胜利前找到她 我希望你不要把她输给一个徒有名声的家族 这样会玷污拜斯家族的名声 R:我知道你做的事情了 爸爸 T:宝贝 你在说些什么 R:因为你我妈妈才去世 T:是恰克·拜斯这么告诉你的吗 他在撒谎 他在试图掩盖自己的罪行 我现在就过去接你吃饭 我们聊聊 R:别靠近我半步 在我整个的生命中你都在说谎 蕾娜 拜托了 对于我来说 你和妈妈一样都死了 谢谢你能来