<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> N: Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell's going on? Get ahold of yourself. C: Look who rode in on his high horse to tell me I told you so. N: I'm coming to make sure you're okay. C: I don't need your pity! Get out of the way or get hurt! N: First Blair, now me? [---1---] J: Which is why I've brought it. C: You can't be serious. After everything you've done, I'd have to be insane to not want to beat the crap out of you. J: Yeah, well, they have experts who'll decide that. [---2---] Or I'll call the cops and file a civil suit against you. N: Sorry, man. You should go. It's the only way. C: Nathaniel, you're making a grave mistake. Don't touch the suit! J: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sedate him if necessary now. Oh, and I guess you won't be needing this. And remember, [---3---] GG: We hear one Bass is hitting bottom. T: Nicely played. J: Feel free to take whatever you want. Including precious works of art. GG: [---4---] hints: Charles, rehab
You do need some help. Now you either go with these gentlemen. it only works if you work it. Looks like the hotel isn't the only Charles that needs rehab.
N:冷静点 你到底在干什么 C:看看 是谁用这种傲慢的态度来跟我说 我早就告诉过你 N:我是来确认一下你没事的 C:我不需要你的同情 让开 拳头不长眼睛 N:先是布莱尔 现在是我 你需要帮助 J:所以我带来几个帮手 C:你不是说真的吧 在你做了这一切之后 我必须这样 来控制自己想要揍你的冲动 J:这些专家会帮你决定的 现在 你要么跟他们走 要么我打电话叫警察来 对你提出诉讼 N:抱歉 你必须跟他们走 这是唯一的办法 C:内特尼尔 你犯了一个愚蠢的错误 别碰我 J:如果需要的话 给他点颜色瞧瞧 我猜你不再需要这个了 只有你好好配合 才能你的计划才能顺利进行 GG:看来拜斯似乎跌落谷底了 T:演得好 J:想拿啥就拿吧 包括这些珍贵的艺术品 GG:看来需要查尔斯来修复 可不仅仅是一个宾馆