<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> B: Thanks for coming back for me. I just stood up in front of everyone who matters in New York society and said I was dating Dan Humphrey. [---1---] L: But Serena told me you've been having an affair with him. B: She must misunderstood. We've been friends. That's all. You have to believe me. You're the only man in my life now, [---2---], anyway. L: I believe you. B: You do? L: [---3---], and if I'm going to take a stand, I need to know for certain that you feel as I do. B: I do. L: Are you ready to go public, my family be damned? B: [---4---] Hints: suicide
I committed social suicide for you. the only man I want there But being together means going against my family I'm ready if you are.
B:你能回来找我真好 我就那样站在所有纽约名流的面前 承认我和丹·汉弗瑞在交往 我为了你牺牲了社交圈 L:但瑟琳娜告诉我 你和他最近有点暧昧 B:是她误会了 我们只是朋友 仅此而已 你得相信我 你现在真的是我生命中唯一的男人 我只想和你在一起 L:我相信你 B:真的吗 L:但我们的结合就意味着要向我的家族宣战 而如果我要表明立场 我要先确定你的感觉和我一样 B:我确定 L:你准备好公诸于众 接受我家族的谴责了吗 B:只要你准备好了 他们来了 只有你站在他的立场看问题 你才会真正了解他