<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> B: Of course I did. Although I-I must say I was a bit surprised. I-I thought you'd never wanted to see me again after the way I left you in Paris. L: No, not at all, [---1---] B: Uh... no, no. He isn't. Um, that's over. L: Then we are both free with, I hope, a perfect day ahead of us. B: Exactly, [---2---] I'm going to introduce you to all the best New York has to offer. Tell your valet to press your suit, because following an afternoon of museums and cafes, we're going to the pink party, an exclusive gathering of New York's elite society. L: [---3---], Blair. Is that okay? B: Of course. I've recently learned of a few places that nobody like us would ever be caught dead in, so I'm going to create you a new itinerary and text you where we should meet. à Très bient? t. Impatiente de te voir. L: Moi Aussi. P: What's with the emergency text? We're gonna be late for class. B: Oh, [---4---], which is why you'll be taking notes for me. But it's nearly finals. What's more important than school? D: Miss Blair has a date with-- B: Actually, I'd rather not say who just yet. hints: Paris
unless the reason you left Paris is still in your life. and you are in my country now. I'm afraid no one but you can know I'm here I'm not making it to class today
L:你好 布莱尔 我是路易 我寄给你的包裹 收到了吗 B:收到啦 我得说 我真的有点吃惊 我以为那次在巴黎的相遇后 你不会想再见到我了 L:没有 除非让你离开巴黎的那个人 还在你身边 B:没有 我们结束了 L:那我们都是单身贵族咯 希望我们俩有美好的一天 B:是呀 既然你来美国了 我要向你介绍纽约最具盛名的娱乐场所 让你的男仆准备好礼服 因为下午逛完博物馆 喝完咖啡后 我们要去粉领派对 那里汇聚了纽约的精英阶层 L:恐怕 你不能告诉别人 我来美国了 布莱尔 可以保密吗 B:当然 最近我听说了一些地方 像我们这种身份的人不会被抓拍 出洋相 我会为你准备一条全新的旅游线路 短信约你见面哈 一会儿见 -期待呢 L:我也是 P:怎么发了紧急短信来 上课都快迟到了 B:噢 今天我不去上课了 所以你们要为我记笔记 马上就要期末考了 有什么比学业还重要 D:布莱尔小姐有约 B:其实 我不太想告诉你们约会对象是谁