<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> B: Are you having a psychotic break? J: No, [---1---] I quit. Blair, at the party, I ran into the guy that I dated when I was living in London, and we spent the whole night together--just talking. And he is heading off to Bali to a yoga retreat, and I... decided I want to go with him. B: You're leaving the magazine for "Eat pray love"? J: I guess you can't have it all. B: No, of course you can. [---2---] You're amazing at your job. J: I know, and you will be, too. B: What? J: As a token of my appreciation for helping me see what was missing in my life, I suggested that you be promoted to replace me. Congratulations. Stefano's giving you a trial run, starting now. This is the office, international, Stefano only. Now your day begins every morning at 6:00 A.M. with the Milan conference call. B: No, no, I am a full-time student. I go to Columbia. J: If James Franco can do it, so can you. Blair, [---3---], and you just got it. GG: [---4---] hint:nightmare
but I am taking a break. Don't quit. you wanted it all They say the universe has a great sense of humor that sometimes having your dreams come true can feel like a nightmare.
B:那你有没有精神崩溃 J:没 但我要休个假 我辞职了 布莱尔 派对上 我遇见了那个 我住在伦敦时交往过的他 我们整晚都待在一起 就聊天而已 他打算前往巴厘的一个瑜伽会所 而我 决定跟他一起去 B:你要像《美食祈祷恋爱》中的 女主角那样离开杂志社吗 J:鱼和熊掌不可兼得吧 B:不 你当然可以 不要辞职 你的工作做得好极了 J:我知道 你也会很出色的 B:什么 J:你帮我认清 自己生活中的缺憾 为表谢意 我提议将你提升到我的位置 恭喜你 斯特凡诺决定开始试用你 从现在开始 这是办公专用 国际专线 斯特凡诺专线 现在 你的一天从每天早上6点 以米兰会议的电话开始 B:不 不 我是哥伦比亚大学的全日制学生 J:如果詹姆斯·弗兰克可以 那么你也行 布莱尔 你向往这一切 而现在你已得到 GG:常言道上天老爱跟人们开玩笑 以致有时候 梦想成真之时 会像噩梦到来之日