<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> GG:[---1---] Find your seats, honored guests. Justice is served. L: Serena, what's in the envelope you just gave the "Post" Reporter? E: That is a copy of the affidavit. S: So you can have Judge Stephens release Ben... C: And cancel the sale of Bass Industries. S:If not, [---2---], and the "Post" will have a cover story. P: Excuse me, this what I think it is? L: [---3---] P: No need. [---4---] I know how bad the job market is these days. C: What? P: Can you please tell this Dan Humphrey that while I'm very flattered, [---5---] Print's a dying medium. S: He switched the envelopes. H: Hmm. That's my boy. C: I need a drink. Hints: allure
It seems like love can't compete with the allure of war. I'll tell the reporter the truth There's an explanation. I get it. I don't have the power to hire anyone.
GG:看来爱情似乎完全不足以 抵挡战争的诱惑 尊贵的来宾 请准备入席吧 正义即将登场 L:瑟琳娜 你给《邮报》记者的 信封里装了什么 E:口供书的复印本 S:只有这样你才能让斯蒂芬斯法官放了本 C:并取消销售拜斯集团的计划 S:否则 我会和记者说出真相 《邮报》可以出一期精彩的封面故事 P:不好意思 这里面装的是我想的东西吗 L:我可以解释 P:不用了 我懂的 我知道最近就业市场多么不景气 S:什么 P:请你告诉这位丹·汉弗瑞 我受宠若惊 但我没有雇佣员工的权利 出版业早已日落西山了 S:他把信封掉包了 H:这才是我儿子 C:我去拿喝的