姜还是老的辣,这话用在Lily身上绝对很合适,一起看她是如何摆平Dean Reuther的。
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> L: Dean Reuther, I'm sorry you have to disrupt your day with such trivial matters. R: [---1---], Mrs. Humphrey. I'm sure you saw the wall of paparazzi at the campus gates. Well, [---2---], none of us is interested in this kind of media attention. L: I hope you'll let our family make it up to you with an endowment. Maybe you could use it to build a moat around the school, [---3---] R: The only thing I'd like from your family is to withdraw your daughter from our university. S: What? Over a gossip column? R: Hundreds of parents have called, concerned about teachers. I'm sorry, Serena. [---4---] It's no longer just your education that's being disrupted. L: Well, I'm sure you've realized that Serena was accepted at other ivy league institutions. S: Mom, please. R: Well, getting out of the city is probably your best course of action. We can refund her tuition, and I am happy to facilitate a transfer. L: [---5---] Serena chose Columbia. And despite your judgment, she is the victim here. And I'm sure "The times" would love to do an article About a Dean who tolerates professors in power positions exploiting female students. R: Well, I hope you'll consider my offer. hints: trivial
It's hardly trivial I assure you keep out the press. I have to look at the bigger picture. I think you misunderstood me.
L:鲁瑟院长 很抱歉因为这么琐碎的事情 来打扰你 R:这可不是小事 汉弗瑞夫人 你肯定已经看到校门口成群的狗仔队了 我保证 我们对这种类型的 媒体关注可是一点兴趣都没有 L:希望你能让我们家族 用一笔攒足来弥补 或许你可以用这些来建个护校河 来挡住狗仔队们 R:对于你们家族 我唯一期待的事情 就是你女儿退学 S:什么 就因为一个八卦专栏吗 R:成百上千的家长打电话来学校 质疑我们的老师 很抱歉瑟琳娜 我得为大局着想 并不仅仅是你一个人的学业 被迫中断了 L:我想你也应该很清楚 瑟琳娜也被其他常春藤盟校录取过 S:老妈 求你了 R:离开这座城市 或许是你们最好的选择了 我们可以退还学费 而且我也很乐意帮助她转校 L:我想你误会我的意思了 瑟琳娜选择了哥伦比亚大学 撇开你的偏见 她才是受害者 而且我肯定《时代》杂志会很乐意刊登 一个院长是如何能够忍耐强权的教授 利用女大学生这样的文章 R:希望你们能考虑我的提议