<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>呐,想摆脱过去是如此困难。 K: The red snapper. Excellent choice. What do you think? S: I think it's a bloody mary with an inferiority complex. K: [---1---] So...drinking alone, are we? You've made it pretty clear you're out of my league. What do you have to lose by answering? S: [---2---] K: Tell you what. [---3---] Tell me why you're drinking alone. And I'll tell you anything you want. S: I thought I could start over. But it turns out. [---4---] There's no... starting over. No matter where I go, whatever I do, my past seems to follow me. So...What about you? Why are you with a different girl every night? K: Because I stopped apologizing for my past a long time ago. S: Does that really work? [---5---]? K: It did.
Fair enough. I'd prefer not to encourage this kind of behavior. One drink one question. College is just high school with more expensive books. Does that actually make you happy
K:在喝红鲷酒啊 有品味 觉得口感如何 S:我感觉就像血马莉参杂了劣质酒水 K:好吧 那么 我们就各喝各的吧 你已经明确表态过对我没兴趣了 我要怎样才能让你回答我呢 我觉得我还是不要鼓励你这种做法为好 那就这样吧 一问一杯 告诉我你为何独自借酒消愁 我也会如实相告你想知道的一切 S:我本以为可以重头来过 但到头来才发现 大学只不过是书本费更高的高中而已 没有重新来过的机会 无论我走到哪里 也无论我做过什么 我的过往都如影随形 那么 说说你自己吧 S:为何你每夜都相伴不同的女孩 因为我早已没有因悔恨过去 而继续弥足深陷了 有效果吗 你会感到真正的快乐吗 K:确实如此