<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Dorota和Vanya的盛大婚礼,以及Vanya的一番告白,噢,太令人感动了~ V: Oh, This is tough question. There's so many things I love about her. But I think what I love most is the way I feel with her. With Dorota, [---1---] I have peace in my heart, knowing I will be good husband, good father. [---2---], very much in love. S: Aw! [---3---] And now... It's time to get married! So, [---4---], please step forward.
I am best possible version of myself. I will die proud Russian man Now you may officially greet your bride. will the happy couple who will be escorting Dorota and Vanya into the chapel
V:哦 这可真是个棘手的问题 我爱她很多方面 但我最爱她的就是 和她在一起的感觉 和Dorata一起 我就是最好的自己 内心充满宁静 S:知道自己会成为好丈夫 好父亲 会为自己是俄罗斯男人而感到骄傲 非常非常爱她 哇! 现在你可以正式迎娶你的新娘了 现在... 是行礼的时候了!