
还记得当初Jenny和Nate的聊天么? 当初Nate那么肯定的觉得 他和B不合适 分开是明智的 可是 真正分手之后 让大家大跌眼镜的事 N忘记不了B 并且找B请求复合


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N:Well, I, um... look, you know, after rehearsal, I just, uh, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I mean, the ball's something we've talked about doing together since we were, like, 10 years old, and I've given you every reason to hate me.
B:True. Keep going.
N:And the prince -- he's, uh, you know,__2__ , but is there any chance you'd go with me instead, for old times' sake?
B:Nate, after what you pulled on my birthday, __3__.
N:Yeah, I know. Look, I haven't worn this sweater in, like, forever, and I, uh, I just pulled it out today, and I found this.
B:it's my pin. I sewed it there so you'd always have my heart on your sleeve.
N:I know. Yeah, __4__, if...
B:No, it was a gift. The prince will understand.__5__ ... as friends.
B:But only as friends.
B:Just friends.

【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
What are you doing here, Nate? he's a great dancer and all the only thing we should be doing together is moving on I figured you might need it back or something Maybe we should go to the ball together
B:你怎么来了 Nate? N:恩..我...你知道 在彩排之后 我...我忍不住地老是在想你 我是说 我们原本一起聊过这个舞会的 我们要一起参加 从我们大概10岁的时候 可是我却给了你所有的理由去恨我 B:的确 继续说 N:那个王子 他...你知道的 他是个很出色的舞伴 但是否有机会 你能和我一起参加? 看在过去的情分上 B:Nate 在你毁了我的生日派对之后 我们唯一该一起做的一件事 就是向前看 N:是的 我明白 瞧 这件毛衣我好象有....很久没穿过了 可我...今天就翻出来 发现了这个 B:是我的别针 我缝上去是为了让我的心时刻都能 藏在你的袖子里 N:我知道 我想或许你会想要回去 如果.... B:不用了 那是个礼物 王子会理解的 或许我们可以一起参加舞会 以朋友身份 N:当然 B:但只是朋友 N:只是朋友