看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.10 感恩纠结S
片名解析:Gaslit出自奥斯卡经典Gaslight,美丽的少女宝拉继承了姑妈艾丽丝的大笔遗产,并与潇洒、体贴的青年格里高利·安东结了婚。婚后家里发生了许多怪事儿,使宝拉感到非常不安和害怕,尤其是每 到夜晚,房中的煤气灯忽明忽暗,同时房顶上伴有奇怪的声音,宝拉感到非常恐惧,但安东却说是她精神上有毛病。青年侦探伯林为弄清真相,来到宝拉的家中,他发现使宝拉恐惧的真正原因是...
I also know that you want to get out of the dodge.
get out of the dodge 远走高飞,摆脱现状
完整的是get the hell out of Dodge,dodge是指堪萨斯州的Dodge City,是出电视剧《Gunsmoke》(荒野大镖客)的一句流行语,是离开某地,摆脱困难窘迫现状的意思。
Do they have a word in polish for "pain in the ass"?
pain in the ass 肉中刺,眼中钉
Your mother wanted to pull out all the stops this year.
pull out all the stops 全力以赴
She'll come around, I promise.
come around 想通
they're time-sensitive.
time-sensitive 时间紧急
We should get used to little run-ins like these. I mean, if bruce and demi could do it, It can't be that difficult.
说到了Bruce Willis和Demi Moore~