Of course Chuck and Blair go to war and end up happier than ever, leaving Jenny and our family in a pile of rubble.  
pile of rubble 一堆碎石

How good would it feel to finally give them a taste of their own medicine?  
give a taste of their own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身

I've picked up a-a few skills over the years, and you come from a long line of world-class schemers.
pick up skill 学会某些技巧
world-class 一流的


I may have a small crush.  
have a crush 倾心于某人

my lips are sealed.  
lips are sealed 守口如瓶

Let's see how strong the holy alliance is after this air strike.  
air strike 空袭

Cut to the chase.  
Cut to the chase 长话短说,开门见山

And this handiwork has your lying little sister's fingerprints all over it.  
handiwork 手艺,特指坏人所做的坏事

And since Gothic Barbie remains safely quarantined upstate, feel free to stop by if you're feeling lonely.  
Gothic Barbie 哥特式的芭比娃娃
feel free 请便

Juliet's plans are falling into place, and S. is primed for a fall.
fall into place 水到渠成

Nate thought he and Humphrey were thick as thieves. Turns out Humphrey's a thief, and Nate's just thick.
thick as thieves 亲密无间

You don't have to lose the girl to be a woman. Just... need to think maybe about how many people are going to be around the next time you let her out.  

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题