看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.2 BC的现实与童话
GossipGirl第四季第3集剧情预告 B的女王之战
绯闻女孩第四季第2集:Double Identity 双重身份
片名解析:来自1944年的美国悬疑电影《双重赔偿》Double Idemnity,一个保险代理人卖汽车保险时认识了车主的美艳妻子,在这位蛇蝎美人的煽动下,聪明的代理人设下了赔偿金额加倍的死亡陷阱。保险业务员瓦尔特与菲利丝合计谋害她的丈夫,以便诈领巨额保险金。而她丈夫的保单上有一附笔,若因死于火车轮下则可获得双倍赔偿。随后他们的行动受到瓦尔特上司的怀疑调查……
Summer is coming to a close, and as everyone knows, Paris, like the Upper East Side, empties out in August, leaving behind only the tourists and the dreamers, lamenting the imminent return to real life.
come to a close 进入尾声
empty out 清空
you still haven't made your Sophie's choice
Sophie's Choice 苏菲的选择/两难的抉择 A "Sophie's Choice" is a tragic choice between two unbearable options.
It's like choosing between eclairs and napoleons. They're both delicious. Except Humphrey's a doughnut. Well, I would love to stay and talk patisserie...
eclairs 手指饼干
napoleons 拿破仑蛋糕
doughnut 甜甜圈
patisserie 法式蛋糕
Think Diana, princess of the people.
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题