看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.22 探戈一曲赴巴黎
I mean, isn't that a little '08, like maxi dresses and Miley Cyrus?
maxi dresses 拖地长裙
I just wanna make sure we're still on the same page.
on the same page 想法一致
think hard.
think hard 仔细想想
That's it me who gets to do it is just the cherry on top.
cherry on top 锦上添花 Something good that follows a series of other fortunate events.
Bring it on.
Bring it on 尽管过来
I'm in luck! Two smackdowns for the price of none.
smackdown 打击 the act of knocking down or bringing down an opponent
maybe you should give her a call, bring her up to speed.
up to speed 了解最新情况
I found out the hard way.
learn the hard way 经过一番艰难才了解
They start out with a clean slate.
a clean slate 一张白纸
That baby right there he's gonna grow up to be smarter than the rest of 'em, which will make him feel like an outsider, give him a bit of a chip on his shoulder.
a chip on his shoulder 愤愤不平
But I'll do something to let you down. Then you'll turn your back like everybody else.
let sb. down 让某人失望
turn one's back 不理会某人
what'd I just walk into?
walk into 无意撞到某事 to meet with unwittingly
Hey, let me walk you home.
walk sb. home 送某人回家
But it was a dick move.
dick move 兄弟吵架 An action by one male to another male friend which violates understood social expectations
We leave the past behind and speed toward the unknown our future. We set out for far-off places and try to find ourselves or try to lose ourselves exploring pleasures closer to home. The problems start when we refuse to let change happen and cling to old habits. But if we hold on to the past too tight, the future may never come. Till death do us part.
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题