I'm sorry I'm running so late. 
run late 晚点了
这个也是挺常用的的搭配。通常都说sb. be running so late

ow we're a Nancy Meyers movie. 
Nancy Meyers南希·迈耶斯是美国电影导演、制作人、编剧。在《爱是妥协》、《恋爱假期》(偶稀饭!!)、《天生一对》等票房大卖的影片中她都身兼制导编三职。她导演的第二部电影《男人百分百》创下了女导演执导的爱情片的票房记录——在美国拿下了1.83亿美元。最新的一部作品是《爱很复杂》,也不错看说~~~

What are you getting at? 
get at 暗示 hint at or suggest

I'm not gonna stand in his way. 
stand in one's way 妨碍某人,阻碍某人

Blair Waldorf just got a text. It's like watching Lady Gaga set fire to a piano! 

I just don't have any dirt on Jenny right now. 
have dirt on 有某人的把柄

Jenny and her boyfriend sold my boyfriend adderall a couple of months ago.
adderall 一种治疗注意力缺失/多动症的药

Lose the judge-face, Zoe.
lose ... face 别一副……的表情

My dad and I were finally in a good place after a really, really bad patch. 
bad patch 衰败时期 a period of poor luck

I'm trapped at N.Y.U.
trap at 被困在某地

Morning, sunshine. 
sunshine 亲爱的

Spare me your N.Y.U. freshman psych analysis. 
spare me your ... 省省吧

You make your bed, You lie in it, B.
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it 作茧自缚,自食其果 You have to suffer the consequences of what you do.

All I see here is jealousy run amok.
jealousy run amok 被妒忌重婚了头脑的人

I'm here for you, every step of the way.
every step of the way 一路相伴

I'm trying to figure out how big a role I can play without stepping on anybody's toes. 
step on toes 侮辱伤害某人

I think I just became a Columbia student... for real. 
for real 千真万确

I mean, being sick hasn't slowed her down at all. Yeah, she is the picture of health. 
picture of health 这里指健康范本

Jenny, please save your breath. 
save (one's) breath 不要说了,省省口舌吧 To refrain from a futile appeal or effort

Well, cross me again, and you'll experience one firsthand. 
cross 【口语】妨碍 interfere
Don't you dare cross me again. 看你再敢来惹我。吵架常用哈。

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题