看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.16 怪蜀黍复仇记
2010-04-01 17:19
They say the clothes make the man
clothes make the man 人靠衣装
这句话来自马克·吐温,原句是Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.好像意思也不是很一样吼?
Eleanor is having something called a pop-up fashion show for her new junior line.
pop-up shop(品牌游击店):游击店属于临时性质,往往避开常规商业街区,装修简单朴实,开业成本低,品牌商可以承担更少风险,因此不少品牌通过开设游击店来推广品牌形象,提升品牌知名度。(感谢某酱指正)
junior line则是针对年轻人的服饰系列
it didn't exactly end well.
end well 善终,皆大欢喜
She earned my trust, and i, hers.
and i, hers这个省略的说法很简洁明了。口语里面很常用。
My, look who's risen from the dead.
rise from the dead 起死回生
I won't let you down.
let sb. down 让某人失望
despite our troubled past,
troubled past 不堪的过去
despite our troubled past就是既往不咎咯,应该还蛮常用的。
90 days sober in a.a.
a.a. = Alcoholics Anonymous的简称,匿名戒酒会
Clock's tickin'.
clock's ticking 光阴似箭
high-end has fallen on hard times.
high end 高端品牌
hard times 艰难时刻,由于周遭的环境、事物和事件的影响,而觉得过得不顺畅。
这里所谓的hard times特指金融危机带来的经济不景气
Must beat drum, she says. Baby beat dorota's stomach like lars from metallica.
beat drum 摇旗呐喊,为……宣传。
Metallica是世界首屈一指的重金属乐队,Lars则是说该乐队的知名鼓手Lars Ulrich。Dorota很嘲诶~~~
I need gather a plain of chicks, college freshmen.
chick 【俚语】小妞
It's check-out time,
check out 付帐离开
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题
clothes make the man 人靠衣装
这句话来自马克·吐温,原句是Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.好像意思也不是很一样吼?
Eleanor is having something called a pop-up fashion show for her new junior line.
pop-up shop(品牌游击店):游击店属于临时性质,往往避开常规商业街区,装修简单朴实,开业成本低,品牌商可以承担更少风险,因此不少品牌通过开设游击店来推广品牌形象,提升品牌知名度。(感谢某酱指正)
junior line则是针对年轻人的服饰系列
it didn't exactly end well.
end well 善终,皆大欢喜
She earned my trust, and i, hers.
and i, hers这个省略的说法很简洁明了。口语里面很常用。
My, look who's risen from the dead.
rise from the dead 起死回生
I won't let you down.
let sb. down 让某人失望
despite our troubled past,
troubled past 不堪的过去
despite our troubled past就是既往不咎咯,应该还蛮常用的。
90 days sober in a.a.
a.a. = Alcoholics Anonymous的简称,匿名戒酒会
Clock's tickin'.
clock's ticking 光阴似箭
high-end has fallen on hard times.
high end 高端品牌
hard times 艰难时刻,由于周遭的环境、事物和事件的影响,而觉得过得不顺畅。
这里所谓的hard times特指金融危机带来的经济不景气
Must beat drum, she says. Baby beat dorota's stomach like lars from metallica.
beat drum 摇旗呐喊,为……宣传。
Metallica是世界首屈一指的重金属乐队,Lars则是说该乐队的知名鼓手Lars Ulrich。Dorota很嘲诶~~~
I need gather a plain of chicks, college freshmen.
chick 【俚语】小妞
It's check-out time,
check out 付帐离开
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题