2013-05-18 19:14
Armless Pilot to Be an Inspiration
Earning a black belt in martial arts and being issued a pilot’s license are both impressive accomplishments that take years of effort to achieve, but 30-year-old Jessica Cox has done both despite being born without arms.
Cox has learned to do everything with her feet. Against all odds (尽管有极大的困难) but with strong faith and the help of her family, she put herself through high school and then college, typing papers with her toes. She became the first armless black belt in the American Taekwondo (跆拳道) Association and now has two black belts. She got her driver’s license and then, astonishingly, her pilot’s license in 2008. The feet earned her a place in the Guinness World Records, which recognized her for becoming the first person without arms to fly an airplane.
考克斯已经学会用双脚做所有的事情。尽管有极大的困难,但是在强烈的信念和她的家人的帮助下,她成功的从高中毕业,然后是大学,她用她的脚趾写字。她成为了美国第一位没有双臂的跆拳道协会的黑带,而这样的黑带现在已增加到两名。她获得了汽车驾驶证,然后在2008年令人震惊地获得了飞行员执照。 这些成绩为她在世界吉尼斯纪录中获得了一席之地,她被认为是第一位没有双臂而能开飞机的人。
Now Cox is the subject of a new documentary, Rightfooted, which Cox says she hopes will inspire disabled young people around the world. “Had I watched a film similar to this one earlier in my life, I know it would have made a difference,” Cox says in a trailer for the documentary.
The young woman says her current goal is to become a motivational speaker, particularly for other children born without arms. She says she believes her message can reach millions of people working to overcome a variety of disabilities.
As the next step in that quest, she has been invited by non-governmental organization Handicap International to work with disabled children in Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚).
According to the passage, which can Jessica do?
all of above
driving a car
fly a plane
typing paper
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