Simon like exciting films,but Debbie prefers nature films. One day, she said,'Do you want to watch this video,Simon? It's about strange living things. They can be very tinny or huge! Some have lots of bodyguards to protect them. Some live for thousands of years.And some are killers and kidnappers! Simon said,'It sounds really exciting!' But he had a surprise when he watched it. Here are some excerpts from it.Tgw Weird World of Plants This is the Venus Fly Trap. It has two special leaves,and each leaf has several hairs in the middle. If an insect touches one of these, the leaves start to shut together. The insect often tries to run away. But the plant moves more quickly than the insect. The victim is trapped in a little prison. Soon it dies, and the plant gradually absorbs it. Plants live the longest of all things on Earth. A Bristlecone Pine in California is 4,700 years old and is still alive older than any written history. Plants can be as small as one cell,like the millions of tiny plants in the seas. One of the smallest is the Lichen plant which grows on stones. It is probably the plant which grows the most slowly. It can take a hundred years to grow a few centimetres. But plants can also be as big as the Giant Redwood, the world's most massive living thing. One tree in California is 84 m high and probably over two thousand tonnes in weight. No other type of tree grows higher than the Giant Redwood. The Dead Horse Arum attracts flies by looking and smelling like dead meat. Once they get inside the plant,it shuts a door, and keeps them prisoner for a night. During the night, it drops pollen on them. It releases them the next morning covered in pollen, so that they can go and carry the pollen to another Arum. One type of Acacia tree in South America encourages ants to live in it. The tree provides the ants with a home(in special branches) and with food (little pieces of protein at the end of some leaves). In return,the ants defend their tree as fiercely as they can. They attack any other insect or animal which comes near, and even remove other plants growing near it.
赛蒙喜欢看令人激动的电影,而黛比则更喜欢看自然生态电影。 一天,她说,“赛蒙,你想看这个录像吗?” 是关于一些奇怪生物的。 他们可有的很小,有的却很大! 他们有的会由很多保镖保护他们。 有的已经活了上千年了!有些还是冷血杀手或者绑架者呢!” 赛蒙说,“听起来真是让人激动啊!” 但当他真正观看的时候,他却很是惊讶。 以下是从中选取的几个。植物的奇怪世界 这是这是捕蝇草。 它有两片特殊的叶子,每片叶子的中间都有几根刺毛。 如果昆虫触碰到其中任何一根,这些叶子就会迅速合拢。 昆虫通常会努力想要逃走。 但是这种植物的速度可比昆虫要快多了。 被抓住的小家伙就只能被困在这个小牢笼里。 很快便会死亡,然后指挥回慢慢的吸收它。 植物是地球上的生物钟寿命最长的。 加利福尼亚州的一棵狐尾松已经有四千七百多年寿命了, 它比目前已有记录的任何一种生物都活得久。 植物可以像细胞一样小,就像是海洋中成千上万个小植物。 世界上最小的植物之一叫做地衣,它只生长在石头上。 这也许是植物里生长速度最慢的一种了。 它可以在几百年的时间里只生长几厘米。 但是植物也可以像巨型红木那样巨大, 巨型红木是世界上最大的生物。 加利福尼亚州的一棵巨型红木已经有八十四米高 拥有超过两千公吨的重量了。 没有任何一种物种能比巨型红木还要高。 白星海芋通过让苍蝇看起来和闻起来像是腐肉来吸引苍蝇。 一旦苍蝇进入了这种植物的内部,它立马就会关上门, 并把他们关在门里整整一夜。 在这一夜里,白星海芋会让花粉落在苍蝇身上。 并在第二天一早把全身沾满花粉的苍蝇放走, 这样他们就可以带着白星海芋的花粉去给其他海芋授粉了。 在南美洲有一种阿拉伯胶树会让蚂蚁住在里面。 这种树会给蚂蚁提供房子(在特殊的树干上) 以及蚂蚁的食物(一些叶子的末端可以分泌一些蛋白质)。 作为回报,蚂蚁尽自己最大力量来保护这棵树。 它们会攻击任何试图接近的昆虫或者是动物, 甚至会铲除其他向附近生长的植物。