有这样一道题:All people, both _________ , need _________.
A. rich and poor, food and drink                       
B. rich and poor, drink and food
C. poor and rich, food and drink                       
D. poor and rich, drink and food

许多同学受汉语表达的影响,将“贫富”直译为 poor and rich,将“饮食”直译为 drink and food,从而误选D。其实,此题的正确答案为A,即英语在表示“贫富”和“饮食”这两个概念时,与汉语表达的词序刚好相反,即要分别说成 rich and poor 和 food and drink。类似地,以下英汉语的表达也不一致,注意不要受汉语习惯的影响而弄错了英语表达的词序:land and water 水陆  north and south 南北 food and clothing 衣食 flesh and blood 血肉backwards and forwards 来回地有时也有这样的情况,汉语只有一种词序,而英语即可倒过来,有两种词序。如:day and night / night and day 日夜(注:汉语不说“夜日”)old and young / young and old 老少(注:汉语不说“少老”)father and mother / mother and father 父母(注:汉语不说“母父”

  又如,汉语说“兄妹”,英语通常说成 brother and sister,但有时也说 sister and brother,但有时也说,如 2001年春季上海高考英语的阅读理解题第A篇就有 his sister and brother 一说;再如,汉语说“男女”,英语通常说成 man and woman,但有时也说 woman and man,如2001年全国高考英语的阅读理解第E篇就有 200 women and men 一说;等等。
