
1.However, it is ikely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.

然而,美洲土著人有可能在至少15 000年前就在加州生活着。

本句式中 it为形式主语,真正的主语为 that从句。

It is likely that... ……是可能的。此句型可转化为:Sb./Sth. be likely to do... 某人/物可能干某事。

①She‘s very likely to ring me tonight.

=It’s likely that she will ring me tonight.


②It‘s likely that it will snow tonight.

=It is likely to snow tonight.


[即境活用1] Ronaldo was ______ to win the 100-meter hurdle race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.

A.possible   B.probable      C.likely         D.maybe


解析:当 possible或 probable 做表语时,主语只能是事物或代词 it;而 likely 做表语时,主语可以是人,也可以是物。maybe 是副词,只能做状语,不能做表语。

2.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.


本句用的句型是 It is believed that- 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that-clause.

类似的结构还有:It be said/known/agreed/thought/supposed/reported+that-clause.


(1)People say/know/agree/think/suppose/report+that-clause.

(2)Sb./Sth. be said/known/agreed/thought/supposed/reported+to do.

①It is believed that Mr Smith is innocent.=Mr Smith is believed to be innocent.


②It is believed that Professor Johnson has finished his second novel.=Professor Johnson is believed to have finished his second novel.


[即境活用2] The lake by the village is believed ______ a number of victims in the past 3 years.

A.to claim         B.to have claimed         C.claiming         D.being claiming


解析:句意为“人们相信村子旁边的湖泊在过去的三年里已要了许多人的命”。在这种形式中,believe 后面不能跟 v.-ing形式;由 in the past 3 years 可知,事情是已发生的,因此,需用不定式的完成式与之相对应。