66. much more…than, many more…than 

much more…than 后接形容词或不可数名词,例:much more water, much more beautiful
many more…than 后接可数名词,例:many more people

67. no, not 

no=not a/any

例:no friend=not a/any friend; no water=not any water

68. no more than, not more than 

no more than 相当于only,仅仅,只有;
not more than 至多,不超过。

69. majority, most 

majority 只能修饰可数名词,例:the majority of people
most 可数不可数均可。

70. by oneself, for oneself, to oneself, of oneself 

by oneself 单独的,独自的;
for oneself 为自己;
to oneself 供自己用的;
of oneself 自行的,自动的,例:The door opened of itself.