

If you believe the poets and the jewelry commercials, love is eternal. But if you are John Berman, the history of love can be summed up in three minutes.

It starts here. Adam and Eve. They like fruit, talk to snakes, committed them sin. So what is this love?

For the Beatles, it's everything. For Elvis, it's not chewy. For the pacific princess, it's aquatic.

Sounds good, right? What could possibly go wrong? Well, the Trojan War. Paris meets Helen. Helen's already married. A 10-year battle, a bump hill, a hollow horse, ends badly, especially for the children's end, Brad Pitt. Romeo and Juliet, young love, ends badly. Scarlett and Rhett, southern love, ends badly.

Birds do it; bees do it, some whenever there is a breeze do it. They did it. They fell in love. Famous couples: Ben and Gwen. Ben and Jen. Ben and Jen. Brad and Gwen. Brad and Jen, Brad and Angelina. Ron and Nancy, true love. Sid and Nancy, punk love. HBO, Big Love.

Love problems? For the Beatles, it's expensive. For the Wizard of Oz, it's whatever. For John Cusack , it's dance. On the love boat, it's just not credible. This guy hooked up nearly every week. Political love, Mark and Jane. Ali and Ashley. Jim and Gollub. Love economics for Whitney Houston, it's thrifty. For Lionel Richie, it's enduring. For the B-52's, mortgage friendly. Different versions, sweet, sappy, monkey, medical.

More couples, Anthony and Cleopatra ends badly. Bonnie and Clyde ends badly. Richard ends badly. So many problems, so much baggage. I'm sorry. Is it really worth it? Shouldn't we just kill the whole idea? It can work, really. Luke and Laura, Ron and Hermione

Happy Valentine's Day, love is eternal, just as Lionel Richie and these guys.
