

Table for five.
Hey, Po.
Love your soup, pig.
You guys! Welcome!
_____1____, po.
The more the merrier.
Thank you, Mr. ping. The little one pays full price, but ____2___.
Master rhino, come sit with me!
Whoa. Ahh.
Yee yee yee yee yee yee.
Master Wo hop.
I believe ________3_______.
The golden ladle? Thank you, dragon warrior. Now I have restored my honor and the honor of my village.
Glad to be of help.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. It's Uncle Yang.
Oh, po, why did you ruin something that was perfect? I don't understand.
Come back here.
Then the crocodile thief pounced.
I'm gonna get you.
Oh, po.
I got you,dad.
This is perfect.
There's always room for one more at Mr. Ping's.
Oh, no. I really don't want to _____4____. You go and enjoy your party.
I'm not ________5______.
Oh no, I couldn't. These are your people. This is your family.
You're my family too, Shifu. Now, come on.
That soup ___________6_______.
IPo, wait. What goes on in your head, I really don't always understand. But what goes on in your heart will never let us down.
Thanks, Shifu. Come on.
Hey, guys, look who's here!
It's the master.
Master Shifu! Master Shifu is here!
It's _______7____, master Shifu.
And ti's good to be here, Mr. Ping.
Thanks for coming, everyone.
Watch out.
Happy holiday eats like a child this belongs to you disturb anyone gonna enjoy it without you does smell delicious good to see you
这里有五位 伙计们,欢迎 阿波,节日快乐 人越多越热闹啊 谢谢,平先生 这小家伙还像个孩子啊 欢迎 那是我的 无哈先生,这是你的吧? 金勺子 谢谢,神龙大侠,这下我夺回我和我村子的尊严了 看啊看啊,又吸进去了 阿波,你干嘛要毁掉这么完美的东西,我不明白 给我回来 然后那个鳄鱼强调冲了出来 吓你一跳 抓到你了 撑住你了,爸爸 这才是完美啊 平先生餐馆里总有空位啊 不,算了,我不想打扰了,你回去享受你的聚会吧 没有你不行吖 这不行,这是你的朋友,你的家人 你也是我的家人吖,师傅,来吧 这汤闻着真香 听着,阿波,你脑子里在想什么,我真的不明白 但是你的从,却从来没让我失望 嗯,来吧,师傅 大家看,谁来了 师傅来了 很高兴见到你啊,师傅 很高兴能来这里啊,平先生 感谢大家来这里