2009-04-17 00:00
复活节期间,美国总统奥巴马欢迎孩子们到白宫中参观,玩彩蛋。 Tip:
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama
The White House South Lawn is often a place for pomp and protocol. It is the starting point for state visits complete with red carpets and marching bands. But on Easter Monday, it belongs to the young. Roughly 30,000 children and their parents from across the country were able to get tickets t…
白宫南端的草坪一直是体现美国外交礼节的重要场所。 作为国事访问的“序章”,它配有红地毯和军乐队。 但在周一的复活节时,它属于孩子们。 全美近3万名儿童及其家长通过网上购票的方式,前来参加今年在白宫举行的复活节滚彩蛋活动 他们受到了总统奥巴马的正式接见。 奥巴马说:“滚彩蛋活动是白宫众多传统盛大庆典之一,因…