
今天打开谷歌页面的时候,大家一定都见到了“新!Google 隆重推出‘穿越搜索’”的字样,去玩了的童鞋请举手!虽然知道是愚人节玩笑,偶还是心甘情愿地点进去鸟~~


Since 2000, Google has published one or more gags each year, according to Wikipedia, except for two years -- 2001 and 2003. More recently, Google has taken the tradition to another level; the company staged 17 gags last year and in 2009.



2000: MentalPlex, Google search for your brainwaves

Google announced a new "MentalPlex" search technology that supposedly read the user's mind to determine what the user wanted to search for, thus eliminating the step of actually typing in the search query. This always led to a page full of April Fool's results.

图片中是告诉大家正确使用方法,要脱下帽子,摘掉眼镜,盯着漩涡看,心里想着要搜索的内容,然后点击漩涡。小编试了下,点击之后会出来一行字样告诉你出错了,而错误类型也是五花八门,偶看到的最搞笑的一个是:Brainwaves received in analog. Please re-think in digital. 所收到的脑电波是模拟信号,请以数字信号重新思考……


2002: Pigeon-based ranking

Google unveils the real way its pages are ranked: "the superior trainability of the domestic pigeon."

Google says it gets its pigeons the old fashioned way -- off the street -- and insists that it's not cruel to animals. Like Google's famous employee perks -- meals and snacks of all varieties -- its pigeons get "delectable seeds and grains."


2004: Job offerings on the moon

Google advertises fictitious job openings on the moon at the Google Copernicus Hosting Environment and Experiment in Search Engineering (G.C.H.E.E.S.E.)

"This unique opportunity is available only to highly-qualified individuals who are willing to relocate for an extended period of time, are in top physical condition and are capable of surviving with limited access to such modern conveniences as a steady supply of oxygen."


2005: A sports drink that makes you think faster. Still in beta, so back off.

Google Gulp helps your search engine experience by making you think faster. When will it come out of beta? Google's answer lends some insight into how the company feels about its other products:
Google Gulp饮料能让你思考得更快,所以在使用搜索引擎时能有更好的体验。至于什么时候能结束测试呢?谷歌的回答能让我们了解一点它们对于自身其他产品的想法:

Man, if you pressure us, you just drive us away. We'll commit when we're ready, okay? Besides, what's so great about taking things out of beta? It ruins all the romance, the challenge, the possibilities, the right to explore.


2006: Google Romance offers "contextual dating"

On April Fool's Day 2006, Google Romance was announced on the main Google search page with the introduction, "Dating is a search problem. Solve it with Google Romance." It pretends to offer a "Soulmate Search" to send users on a "Contextual Date".
2006年愚人节的时候Google在其搜索主页上刊登了Google Romance服务,介绍说:“约会只是一个搜索问题,让Google Romance来帮你解决。”它假装为用户提供心灵匹配搜索服务,让你在网络进行一场“文字约会”。


2007: Introducing TiSP, the Toilet Internet Service Provider

Google TiSP was a fictitious free broadband service supposedly released by Google. This service would make use of a standard toilet and sewage lines to provide free Internet connectivity.
Google TiSP是谷歌虚构的免费宽带服务,它需要一台标准的马桶和下水管道来实现免费的网络连接。

The user would drop a weighted end of a long, Google-supplied fiber-optic cable in their toilet and flush it. Around 60 minutes later, the end would be connected to the Internet by a "Plumbing Hardware Dispatcher (PHD)". The user would then connect their end to a Google-supplied wireless router and run the Google-supplied installation media on the computer.


2008: Google Manpower Search

Google launches Manpower Search in China. This new feature is powered by 25 million volunteers who do the searching around the clock. When the user entered a keyword, volunteers will search any possible answers from a mass of paper documents as well as online resources. The user is expected to get the search result within 32 seconds.




3D版Google Chrome

2009: Chrome 3D
2009:3D版Google Chrome

April Fools 2009 did not come at a happy time. Google had just laid off hundreds of employees as a cost-cutting measure in the midst of an economic meltdown. So we speculated that perhaps they would take a year off.

We were wrong. Instead, Google set a new record, pulling 17 of its pranks, including an announcement for a 3D version of its Chrome browser, pictured here.
然而我们错了,谷歌不仅有推出,还创造了新历史,搞了17个恶作剧,包括图中所显示的3D版Google Chrome。


2010: Google goes nuts with another 17 April Fools pranks

Google obviously hadn't grown tired of messing with people on April Fools Day. It even announced it was changing its name to "Topeka," in appreciation for Topeka's attempt to score a Google-funded fiber optic network by changing its name to "Google."

Google placed a link on the main page, advertising a new Google Animal Translator service to add to their Language Translator service. Clicking the link would take you to a page with the tagline being "Bridging the gap between animals and humans".