Hello 大家好!
The most beautiful voice, is that of a child, pure and divine. It is the voice that one can imagine only Angel has. In children’s eyes we seek innocence and our long-lost curiosity;
In their voice, in their singing, we find consolation and warmth. This is HJ Music Radio, I am today’s announcer Lola.
I’m Mr. Nine
Today we will listen to the songs of those angels on earth.
来自法国的Vox Angeli,这个名字在拉丁语中意为angel’ s voice,“天使之声”合唱团,成员包括三个男生和三个女生。如此温暖人心的美好童声,是被驱逐出伊甸园的我们,唯一能听到的,来自天堂的声音。
Vox Angeli的成名曲Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer,如果他能想念我,来自一个被父亲遗弃的孩子,孤独地唱着自己渺小的希望和悲伤。凄美的童声把这首歌演绎到了美的极限。
(Vox Angeli - Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer)
看过《魔戒》的你,一定记得里面那首宁静有如晨曦般的歌,In Dreams,来自英国小男孩Joseph McManners。Joseph13岁的时候就发行了自己的第一张专辑,此前,这个极具歌唱天赋的小男孩被BBC选中,主演了音乐剧小王子,就是在彩排的时候,他被唱片公司看中,最后签约Sony BMG——只要听他唱歌,任何人都知道这个孩子的才华是无法掩盖的。
(Joseph McManners - In Dreams)
在电影《黑暗中的舞者》里,卡车司机Jeff说,我从来不明白为什么在音乐剧里,人们会突然间唱起歌,其实,远在语言出现之前,人类就懂得用音乐来表达感情。言语可能冷漠尖刻,但歌声往往泄露我们真实的性情。正如《黑暗中的舞者》女主角Selma所说:In a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens。
It is true that sometimes we are mad with children, can’t figure out why such little creature is capable of so great a power of destruction. Ever wonder how to teach a naughty child to be nice and respectful? Maybe whipping and lecturing don’t actually work. The more we talk, the less we communicate. But music could find its way into a child’s heart, and when a child starts to sing, the little devil disappears, that’s the moment we hear the angel.
这部电影的原声大碟都是法语童声合唱或者是没有歌词的旋律。其中主唱尚巴堤莫里耶(Jean-Baptiste Maunier)正是电影中的男一号主演。这首Vois sur ton chemin是电影的主题曲,也许这旋律你已经非常熟悉,相信听过的人,也无一不被这样纯洁天真的童声深深打动。
(Les Choristes - Vois sur ton chemin)
Libera is a non-profit all-boy vocal group. Their name "Libera" is the Latin word for "free". The choir has approximately forty boys between the ages of seven and sixteen. The boys come from a variety of backgrounds in the London area, attending many different schools, including local state schools, church schools and performing arts schools. Libera recruits boys from any religious background and even those with no religious affiliations. Most boys join between the ages of seven and ten, Older boys may also join if they have the appropriate singing abilities.
不同于传统唱诗班,Libera的风格是融合了传统教会音乐与新世纪音乐,很难沿用new age、 classical或者church music等任何一种音乐流派去定义,所以,他们就用自己的名字Libera来定义自己的风格。童声的天真纯朴,教堂音乐的静谧神秘,new age的天籁缥缈,在Libera的歌声中,都能一一感受。
(Libera - Sanctus)
Just call me, and let me know that I didn’t come to this world for no reason.
I need to tell him, how days and nights passed by in loneliness, in his absence. He could have been there for me, he could have made my childhood as happy as I now wish it to be.
Yet he never showed up. If he ever missed me just as much as I did, and as I do now……
Louis-Alexander Désiré是节目最开始讲到的Vox Angeli的成员之一,同样是一位天才音乐神童,他7岁开始学唱歌,8岁学习古典舞,他无比优雅华丽的美声唱腔,令听者为之呼吸停滞。在Vox Angeli的首张专辑中,他也有自己的独唱曲目,
节目的最后送上这首来自Louis的Ave Maria,一首著名的宗教歌曲:万福玛利亚。
(Louis-Alexander Désiré - Ave Maria)
--------------沪江英乐之声 不只是英乐 不只是音乐 诚邀音乐爱好者加盟-------------