2010-08-18 13:27
10.Owen and Cristina
#10 Owen and Cristina, Grey’s Anatomy
No matter how passionate these two can be, it will never work. He has too much emotional baggage and she’s too invested in her career. Hot, fiery love can only make a relationship work for so long, but it always burns out in the end.
9.Aria and Mr. Fitz
#9 Aria and Mr. Fitz, Pretty Little Liars
第九名:《美少女的谎言》青春期多情且家庭危机的Aria和貌似王子的英语老师Mr. Fitz
有师生恋情结的粉丝们可能会希望这一对修成正果,但高中老师和学生恋爱的多半以老师开始铁窗生涯为结果。不过如果年轻又帅气的Mr. Fitz不怕虚度光阴蹲两年的话,没准能有戏。前提还得是高中毕业正是如花年纪的Aria到时还愿意等。
有师生恋情结的粉丝们可能会希望这一对修成正果,但高中老师和学生恋爱的多半以老师开始铁窗生涯为结果。不过如果年轻又帅气的Mr. Fitz不怕虚度光阴蹲两年的话,没准能有戏。前提还得是高中毕业正是如花年纪的Aria到时还愿意等。
Fans may want these two together, but relationships between a high school teacher and a student almost always end with jail. However, if Mr. Fitz is willing to do a few years in prison, maybe they can make it work.
8.Hank and Karen, Californication
#8 Hank and Karen, Californication
Some guys just aren’t made for monogamy, and as much as Karen may love being in love with Hank, he will never stop his philandering ways.
7.Tyler and Lisa
#7 Tyler and Lisa, V
The whole Romeo and Juliet thing is a bit played out, and since her mother is secretly plotting the end of the world and his mother is secretly plotting against the Visitors, there’s really no way this relationship will end well.
6.Kourtney and Scott
#6 Kourtney and Scott, Keeping Up with the Kardashians
第六名:真人秀《与Kardashians同行》Kourtney 和 Scott
Scott has a history of embarrassing himself and Kourtney's entire family during his drunken escapades, and no matter how many times he comes groveling back, you can't teach a drunk dog new tricks.
5.Tommy and Janet
#5 Tommy and Janet, Rescue Me
It’s admirable that these two try to make it work for their kids, but they’ve built up so much resentment for each other over the years that they make Jon and Kate look like the picture of marital bliss.
4.Serena and Any Guy
#4 Serena and Any Guy, Gossip Girl
Some people just aren’t made for relationships, and Serena is one of them. Whether she’s with Dan, Nate or someone else, Serena will always screw it up, so it’s best that any guy avoid this relationship trap.
3.Ben and Amy
#3 Ben and Amy, The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Ben loves Amy despite the fact that she has a baby with Ricky and he’s having a baby with Adrian. This could all be fine except for the fact that they’re teenagers and they all want to remain friends. Here’s a news flash: You can’t be friends with the father of your girlfriend’s baby who also happens to be the boyfriend of the girl having your baby.
2.Brendon and Rachel
#2 Brendon and Rachel, Big Brother 12
Here’s what happens nearly every day in the Big Brother house: Rachel gets drunk and starts acting like the hard-partying Vegas cocktail waitress she is. Brendon gets upset that she’s acting like a fool and scolds her. Then she gives him a death stare and pouts while he attempts to take back what he just said and smooth things over. She explodes, defending her actions and asking if he really loves her. He acts like the world’s biggest pushover; they make up and make out, and fall asleep in each other's arms. This constant fighting and making up is incredibly toxic, and the likelihood of them staying together after the show is nonexistent.
1.Booth and Any Woman Other Than Brennan
#1 Booth and Any Woman Other Than Brennan, Bones
第一名:《识骨寻踪》Booth和随便哪个女人都没戏除非介个女银叫做Temperance Brennan绰号Bones谢谢~
The fans who want Booth and Brennan together are more rabid than anyone, so any woman Booth dates is guaranteed to be the most hated lady on TV. Until Brennan comes around, Booth should just stay off the market.