《自深深处》的原题是"de profundis",拉丁文,意为"from the depth"(从深处)。对写着这封信的王尔德来说,当时他身处的监狱无异于地狱深渊。而正是在这深渊里,在无限的悲痛之中,他开始反思从前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意义,艺术和爱的真谛,最终将那些痛苦的泪水都化作了优美而深沉的文字,不仅是写给波西,也是写给每一个有缘读到这封信的人。
作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome)《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis)等。
You must read this letter right through, though each word may become to you as the fire or knife of the surgeon that makes the delicate flesh burn or bleed. Remember that the fool in the eyes of the gods and the fool in the eyes of man are very different. One who is entirely ignorant of the modes of Art in its revolution or the moods of thought in its progress, of the pomp of the Latin line or the richer music of the vowelled Greek, of Tuscan sculpture or Elizabethan song may yet be full of the very sweetest wisdom. The real fool, such as the gods mock or mar, is he who does not know himself.
1、关于knife的常用短语:before you can say knife 说时迟那时快,突然。
get/stick one's knife into sb. 加害于某人,对某人怀恨在心。
the knives are out 剑拔弩张。
2、ignorant 无知的,愚昧的 【举例】ignorant errors 出于无知的错误。be ignorant of sth. 对某事一无所知。
3、in progress 在进行中 【举例】The concert is in progress. 音乐会正在进行中。
4、mar 毁坏,玷污【举例】The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs. 这一地区的商业广告牌真是大煞风景。