据美国广播公司(ABC)27日报道,美国得克萨斯州环境质量委员会发出紧急通知称,该州东南部一个县的供水系统中可能发现“食脑虫”(brain-eating amoeba),并向该州十余个地区发布警告——建议居民不要饮用自来水!

A rare brain-eating amoeba that killed a six-year-old boy has been found in the water supply of a city in southeastern Texas, prompting environmental officials to take steps to flush and disinfect the pipes.


Josiah McIntyre, who had just started elementary school in Lake Jackson, fell ill in the first week of September with a headache and flu-like symptoms. Days later, after a battery of tests, doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital determined that he had been infected by Naegleria fowleri, a microscopic amoeba found in rivers, lakes and hot springs. If ingested through the nose it can cause primary amebic meningoencephalitis, a rare debilitating disease that is usually fatal.




