北京新航道外籍教学专家王渊源(JOHN GORDON)

On Students’ Selecting  Lecturers

Nowadays, some universities give students the right to choose who
teaches some of their classes.  This has led to some debate over
whether students should be given this much power.

There are several factors that students consider when choosing a
lecturer, including the teaching style of the lecturer, the lecturer's
academic background, and the lecturer's reputation among students.
The ideal lecturer is one who has an interesting teaching style, a
diverse academic background, and a good reputation among students.

There are both positive and negative aspects to allowing students to
choose their lecturers.  Giving students the choice encourages them to
take ownership for their classes, and also puts pressure on teachers
to improve their teaching quality.  However, the factors that students
consider might not be the ones that lead to the highest quality of
education.  Schools might end up with lecturers who teach interesting
classes without much content.