作者:上海新东方国内考试部夏小宝 郑智鑫
2011-06-19 13:13
62. D employers 63. B but
64. B devote 65. B competitive
66. C academic 67. C necessarily
68. A outside 69. D demanding
70. D potential 71. A relevant
72. D up 73. D voluntary
74. D and 75. B Exceptional
76. A perform 77. C formally
78. A For instance 79. A demonstrated
80. C scheme 81. D peers
82.宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色 would rather stop to enjoy the beautiful scenery/for the beautiful landscape
83.任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场 either side refuses to give up/abandon their positions/views/standpoints
84.本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的 would/could/might have cured the cancer patient
85.你真好,给了我那么多帮助 very/really kind of you to give me so much help
86.他们才得以重聚 before their reunion/they were able to reunite