苏西托曼《Children's Songs》第5-7辑

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    2012-02-10 12:08

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资料摘要: 这不是英语教材的学习广告,也不是英语补习班的宣传,这是美国专业幼教、亲子杂誌一致推荐的一套英语儿歌,让孩子在最自然最没有压力的情况下接触英文熟悉英文,让孩子在不知不觉中喜欢上英文。

我们听遍了英美所有的儿歌,千挑万选不惜重金引进了Susie Tallman这套英语儿歌,因为从来没有人为了一套英语儿歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改编,力求活泼趣味亲切温暖,并不惜成本动用了钢琴、小提琴、大提琴,吉他、曼陀铃、手鼓、各式鼓乐与打击乐器、口琴、手风琴、管风琴‧‧‧等大量真实的乐器,让音乐听起来特别生动活泼,完全没有电脑合成乐器的平板呆滞,再加上受过严谨声乐训练的Susie Tallman,字正腔圆的唱工,难怪有那么多美国专业幼教,亲子杂誌毫无保留地一致推荐。

Let's Go! Travel,Camp and Car Songs
1. Let’s Go
2. Polly Wolly Doodle
3. Madalina Catalina
4. Throw it out the Window
5. Going on a Bear Hunt
6. On Top of Spaghetti
7. A Sailor Went to Sea
8. Oh! Susanna
9. You are My Sunshine
10. The Old Family Toothbrush
11. Sippin’ Cider through a Straw
12. Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
13. I Love the Mountains
14. Swiiming Hole
15. The Ostrich Song
16. Blowin’ in the Wind
17. Boom Chicka Boom
18. Yankee Doodle
19. Mary Ann McCarty
20. Clementine
21. Aint’ Gonna Rain No More
22. There’s A Hole in the Bucket
23. 1000 Legged Worm
24. Home on the Range
25. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
26. To Morrow

Classical Baby
1. Brezairola Lullaby - Auvergne Lullaby
2. Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring - Johann Sebastian Bach
3. Brahms’ Lullaby - Johannes Brahms
4. The Swan - Camille Saint-Sa?ns
5. Hansel & Gretel - Engelbert Humperdinck
6. Largo from Symphony #9 - Antonin Dvorak
7. Ave Maria - J.S. Bach & Charles Gounod
8. Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel
9. Ombra Mai Fu-Xerxes - George Frederick Handel
10. Hymn to the Moon - Antonin Dvorak
11. Sleep On, Little One - Johannes Brahms
12. Now the Day is Over - S. Baring-Gould & Sir J. Barnby
13. Evening Hymn - Felix Mendelssohn (from Elijah)
14. Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy
15. Ave Maria - Gerard Sars
16. Little Children - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
17. Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig van Beethoven
18. Mozart’s Lullaby - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

A Child's Christmas * Holiday Songs & Carols
1. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
2. Merry Christmas Greeting
3. A Holly Jolly Christmas
4. Up on the Housetop
5. Joke - Junglebells
6. Jingle Bells
7. Joke - Iceburgers & Snowball
8. Frosty the Snowman
9. Merry Christmas: Spanish & Swedish
10. The Little Drummer Boy
11. Joke - Reindeer Ear Muffs
12. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
13. God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
14. Merry Christmas: Portuguese & Navajo
15. I’m Gettin Nuttin’ for Christmas
16. Love Came Down at Christmas
17. Deck the Hall
18. Joke - Santa Walking Backwards
19. You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch
20. Merry Christmas: French & Italian
21. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
22. I Saw Three Ships
23. Here We Come-A-Caroling
24. Go Tell It On the Mountain
25. Joke - Christmas Cake
26. O Christmas Tree
27. Joke - Tinselitis
28. We Need A Little Christmas
29. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
30. Jolly Old St. Nicholas
31. Merry Christmas: Japanese & Hawaiian
32. White Christmas
33. Story - Willy the Wombat’s...
34. In the Bleak Midwinter
35. Angels We Have Heard on High
36. Away in a Manger
37. Twas the Night Before Christmas
38. O Little Town of Bethlehem
39. Some Children See Him
40. Merry Christmas: German
41. Silent Night
42. The Christmas Song