英文原版小说:《相助》(The Help)

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  3. 最后更新:

    2010-09-09 09:48

  4. 所属分类:

    实用资料 / 电子书

资料摘要: 本书出版之后,版权被三十多国争先引进,《纽约时报》、《出版者周刊》、《华盛顿邮报》联合推荐并连续报导,堪称近年来不可多见的力作。作者以细腻真实的笔触重现了60年代美国南部的种族关系。




What perfect timing for this optimistic, uplifting debut novel (and maiden publication of Amy Einhorn's new imprint) set during the nascent civil rights movement in Jackson, Miss., where black women were trusted to raise white children but not to polish the household silver. Eugenia Skeeter Phelan is just home from college in 1962, and, anxious to become a writer, is advised to hone her chops by writing about what disturbs you. The budding social activist begins to collect the stories of the black women on whom the country club sets relies and mistrusts enlisting the help of Aibileen, a maid who's raised 17 children, and Aibileen's best friend Minny, who's found herself unemployed more than a few times after mouthing off to her white employers. The book Skeeter puts together based on their stories is scathing and shocking, bringing pride and hope to the black community, while giving Skeeter the courage to break down her personal boundaries and pursue her dreams. Assured and layered, full of heart and history, this one has bestseller written all over it.


凯瑟琳·斯多克特(Kathryn Stockett)生长在密西西比州的首府杰克逊(Jackson),在阿拉巴马大学获得英语与创造性写作学位,毕业后移居纽约,从事杂志出版与行销工作9年。本书是她的第一本小说。