英文歌词:《歌剧魅影全套原版歌词》(The Phantom of the Opera)

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    2010-05-16 14:40

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    休闲娱乐 / 音乐资料

资料摘要: 世界四大经典音乐剧之一《剧院魅影》演绎了一段凄婉浪漫的爱情传奇,堪称八十年代以来全世界最迷人、也最卖座的音乐剧之一,从1986年在伦敦、1988年在百老汇上演到现在,依然一票难求。

歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)是一部安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作曲的百老汇音乐剧。1986年首演,于1988年获得七项托尼奖,是史上最成功的音乐剧之一。



1. Prologue
2. Overture
3. Think of Me
4. Angel of Music
5. Little Lotte/The Mirror/Angel of Music
6. The Phantom of the Opera
7. The Music of the Night
8. I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt it
9. Magical Lasso
10. Notes/Prima Donna
11. Poor Fool/He Makes Me Laugh
12. Why Have You Brought Me Here
13. All I Ask Of You
14. All I Ask Of You (Reprise)

1. Entr'Acte
2. Masquerade/Why So Silent
3. Notes/Twisted Every Way
4. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
5. Wandering Child/Bravo, Monsieur
6. The Point Of No Return
7. Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer