

The New Zealand-based Fonterra, a major investor in the Chinese dairy firm Sanlu says the company has recalled a line of baby formula after a "quality" issue.


上面的报道中,baby formula 就是“婴幼儿配方奶粉”的英文表达,也叫 infant formula,指的是 an artificial substitute for human breast milk, designed for infant consumption(能够替代母乳为婴儿生长与发育提供所需营养的一种人工食品),formula 在通常情况下指的是“配方,公式”之意,比如: mathematical formula(数学公式),paint formula(颜料配方)等,在这里则是特指 a special nutritive mixture, esp. of milk, sugar, and water, in prescribed proportions for feeding a baby(为婴幼儿配制的特殊营养物质)。