- So, by the power invested in me... I now pronounce you frog and wife. Get to it, Hop Lone, and give your lovely bride some sugar.
- Congratulations!
- This gonna be good! Like I told y'all, kissing a princess break the spell.
- Once you became my wife, that made you...
- A princess. You just kissed yourself a princess!
- And I'm about to do it again!
1. I now pronounce you frog and wife. 我宣布你们成为合法夫妻。
原句其实是I now pronounce you man and wife. 大家肯定奇怪为什么不是husband and wife,性别歧视男女不平等的年代里,女性是作为男性的财产或者附属品而存在,所以是说man and wife,现在基本都会说husband and wife。
2. give your lovely bride some sugar 亲你的美丽新娘吧
give somebody sugar就等于give someone a kiss,亲吻某人,是个习语哦,想想是不是跟中文里头给点甜头很像咧?
3. This gonna be good 实在太棒了
4. I'm about to do it again 我准备再来一次
be about to do sth. 是口语里头常用的说法,不要再用going to do了哦~