英国7岁的天才音乐少女艾尔玛•道切(Alma Deutscher)为何被称为“莫扎特再世”?
Why is a seven-year-old talented young musician Alma Deutscher from Britain regarded as “Mini Mozart”?

Meet little Miss Mozart

Most children of her age would not be able to sit through an opera. But at just the age of seven, Alma Deutscher has already composed her own.

Alma wrote her own sonata at the age of six, and she composed her first opera, The Sweeper of Dreams, this year. The English National Opera (英国国家歌剧院) thought it was great work!
在艾尔玛六岁的时候,她完成了自己的奏鸣曲。今年,她完成了她的第一部歌剧The Sweeper of Dreams。英国国家歌剧院认为这是一部巨作!

Alma said: “The music comes to me when I’m relaxing. I like thinking about fairies a lot, and princesses, and beautiful dresses.” She likes to sit on the swing in the garden and compose. According to this talented young musician, the idea for The Sweeper of Dreams came in a dream.But Alma is not only a good composer; she is a skilled violinist and pianist as well.
艾尔玛说:“当我放松的时候,我脑海中就出现了音乐。我很喜欢幻想仙女,公主和美丽的裙子。”她喜欢安静地坐在还原的秋千上。根据这位年轻的有才华的音乐家所述,The Sweeper of Dreams来源于一个梦。然而,艾尔玛不仅是一名优秀的作曲家,而且是一名拥有娴熟技巧的小提琴家和钢琴家。

Because of her talent, Alma has become famous and many people like to compare her with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

“I don’t mind whether I am famous or not,” she says. “I like Mozart, but I’m not trying to become him. I’m going to be like Alma, not Mozart.”





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