
Unit 3

1. since    prep. 从….以来;自从
I haven't eaten since breakfast.

2. quite    adv. 相当;十分
quite a few 相当多;不少

3. machine    n. 机器;机器装置
Machines have replaced human labour in many industries.
在很多工业中, 机器已取代了人力操作。

4. waiter    n. 服务员;侍者
I worked as a waiter in that restaurant last summer holiday.

5. coach    n. (体育运动的)教练;长途公共汽车
a coach station 长途汽车站

6. train    v. 训练;培训
There is a shortage of trained nurses.

7. headmaster    n. 校长
Our headmaster is an old man.

8. charge    n. 主管;掌管
in charge of 负责掌管

9. field    n. 田地
working in the fields 在田间干活   a fine field of wheat 一片好麦田

10. tell the time    报时
She's only five--she can't tell the time yet.

11. key    n. 钥匙
the key to the front door 前门的钥匙

12. ring    n. 小环;小圈
key ring   钥匙圈;钥匙环

13. cable    n. 缆绳
cable car  缆车

15. fantastic    adj. 极好的
fantastic dreams, stories 荒诞的梦﹑ 故事

16. have a good time    过得愉快
We hope you'll have a good time at the party.