“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”

I love this quote from L. P. Jacks. It describes some of the most inspiring, happy, and successful professionals I know. The main message is clear:  find a job that you love—one that allows you to be your best self—and it won’t feel like work at all. The corollary is also important, however:  we must approach our vacations with the same tenacity as we do our vocations, and use them to come back to the office better than before.
笔者非常喜欢这句来自L. P. Jacks的名言。它把我所了解的那些最积极,最快乐也最成功的职业人士的状态描述出来了。这句话的大意很清晰:要找到自己热爱的工作,因为它能让你成为最好的自己,也让你完全感觉不到自己在工作。不过,这个推论也很重要:我们在假期的时候也要保持着工作时一样的韧性,充分利用假期充电,才能以更好的状态回归工作轨道。

What can we learn about how to take leisure time from these true masters in the art of living?

1.Move and exercise. 
1. 动起来。

Evolutionary science tells us that our fancy brains developed not while we were lounging but while we were working out. Our ancestors moved around all the time. And we should use our holidays to do the same—especially those of us in jobs that keep us at meeting tables or desks all day.

2.Find peaceful, beautiful surroundings. 
2. 寻找安静怡人的地方。

Nature not only helps you listen to your inner voices; it can also inspire new purpose and passions.  My wife María and I were walking through the solemnly beautiful Júcar Canyon in Castilla-La Mancha, when we decided to move from Madrid to Buenos Aires so I could make the most important and successful job change of my life.

3.Meet different, interesting people.
3. 与不同的,有趣的人接触。

In one of Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks, there is a to-do list of 15 tasks. At least eight involve consultations with other people and two focus on other people’s books.  The world’s most productive people are deeply curious and collaborative and constantly seek out new acquaintances and allies –even when they’re on vacation.

4.Be willing to invest.
4. 敢于投资。

Many of us are biased toward tangible luxuries. We spend more on houses, cars, clothes, and other things, which very soon lose their initial attraction and generate all sorts of worries and maintenance needs, than we do on experiences, which, according to research, offer more long-term satisfaction, providing not only pleasure but also a chance to learn and grow. Quality vacations are one of the highest-return investments you can make.

5.Plan properly.
5. 合理安排。

Never leave your holidays to chance. Seamless air travel, nice accommodations, guaranteed restaurant and tour bookings—all of these will make your time off more productive and enjoyable. Besides, the preparation itself can be fun. Imagine everything you might possibly do, then pick the places and activities which will give you best opportunities for renewal and reinvention and let you create the most unforgettable memories.