英语口语大赢家Topic242:职业规划 Occupational Planning
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May: So you are going to graduate from your university. Do you have any plans for the future?
Lisa: I want to look for a job, but I also feel that I need to know more about my subject of study.
May: I think if you feel that way, then going to graduate school is the right path for you.
Lisa: I have considered that. But sometimes I feel that I just don't have the passion for the college life any more.
May: Why?
Lisa: I don't know. Maybe I am just feeling a little bit tired after so many years of study.
May: Yeah, graduate school is an energy and time consuming endeavor.
Lisa: What's more, I am really busy right now, writing my graduate thesis and preparing for the interview. If I look for a job, I surely will have no time for the graduate school entrance exam.
May: Have you figured out what career you want?
Lisa: No, not yet. But a career that requires advanced education is always my dream: college professor, biologist, lawyer, researcher, doctor…
May: You are so ambitious! But which subject do you want to work on?
Lisa: I don't know. I think probably I need to buy a few years while I figure out about my career.
May: Then why not get a job and have someone pay you? You can still go to graduate school later if you need or want to.
Lisa: Yeah, and I think I will be a much better student once I know what I am there for.
May: Yeah, after gaining some work experience, you will be much clearer about what you are doing now.
Lisa: Exactly, I need to make a decision at once. Time and tide wait for no man.
阿美: 你要大学毕业了,对将来有什么打算吗?
利莎: 我想找份工作,但是我又感觉需要对我所学的专业有更进一步的了解。
阿美: 如果你那样想的话,去念研究生是你最好的选择。
利莎: 我也那样考虑过,但是有时候我感觉自己没有激情继续过大学生活了。
阿美: 为什么?
利莎: 我也不知道。也许经过这么多年的学习,我感觉有点倦怠了。
阿美: 嗯,研究生学院是一个消磨精力和时间的地方。
利莎: 还有,我现在真的很忙,写我的论文,准备答辩。如果我要找工作,我就真的没有时间准备研究生入学考试了。
阿美: 你想过要从事什么职业吗?
利莎: 还没有,但是要求高等教育水平的职业一直是我的梦想,比如大学教授、生物学家、律师、研究员、医生等等。
阿美: 你真有志向!但是你想从事哪方面的工作呢?
利莎: 我不知道,我想我可能需要几年的时间来确定我的职业方向。
阿美: 为什么不找份工作,先赚点钱呢?如果你需要或者想念研究生,你可以以后去。
利莎: 嗯,我想当我更明确自己的目标以后,我会是个更加优秀的学生。
阿美: 是啊,等你获得一些工作经验以后,你就会更清楚你现在在做什么。
利莎: 没错,我需要立刻做决定。时间不等人嘛。
经典背诵 Recitation
Lisa: I'm going to be graduating from my school, and I've been wondering about my plans for the future. I wanna go work and I also wanna continue my study. So I have prepare for the graduate entrance exam and look for a job at the same time.
passion n. 激情
endeavor n. 努力
biologist n. 生物学家
ambitious adj. 有志向的
gain vt. 获得
Time and tide wait for no man.
语素 Material
Classroom Problem Solver
It's no easy way to be a good teacher since there are so many classroom problems to solve. For example, some students just love to talk. What can you do to quiet them down? A good method to solve this problem is to stand by the student for a minute or two, perhaps making eye contact with him, while continuing to present your lesson. Your presence will likely be sufficient to quiet him down.
Catch the Teacher's Point
To learn efficiently, one has to catch the teacher's point in class. Here are some tips for you to follow. Try to be familiar with the topic of the lecture before the lesson. You can browse some related information from the Internet or newspapers. Keep in mind that the teachers always emphasize the important point by changing in volume of the voice or changing in rate of speech. When it happens, do pay extreme attention. Following these, you will probably catch the main ideas easily.