President Ulysses Grant
Senator James Blaine
John Sherman
the Secretary of the Treasury
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
President Hayes
Collector of Taxes
校稿 聆风暮雪
翻译 lanslote1989
组长 李奇亮
Many Republicans wanted to nominate former President Ulysses Grant. Grant had been out of office 4 years. People seemed to have forgotten the political problems that shook his administration. Other Republicans supported the powerful party leader, Senator James Blaine. A third candidate was John Sher…
许多共和党人希望提名前总统尤利西斯·格兰特。格兰特已经离职四年之久。人们似乎已经忘记了那个曾撼动其执政地位的政治问题。 其他共和党人支持强势的党内领袖,参议员詹姆斯·布雷因。排在第三位的候选人是财政部部长约翰·谢尔曼。 选择格兰特、布雷因还是谢尔曼是共和党人遇到的一大难题。在党内的全国大会上,共和党代…