Most so-called “baby boomers” – or people who were born in the middle of the last century – made, rather than inherited, their wealth. But among the “millennial” generation – people under the age of 35 – “inherited wealth is more common”, since “about two-thirds are from families in which they are the second, third or fourth generation to be wealthy”.


千禧一代:Millennials (也被称为Millennial Generation or Generation Y),1980年以后出生,也就是所谓在2000年左右达到合法饮酒年龄,现在低于35岁的年青一代,他们差不多与电脑同时诞生,在互联网的陪伴下长大。


沉静的一代(Silence Generation 出生于1925-1945):二战前的美国,是一个非常传统的国家。美国对这一代人有一个形象的描述,叫“沉静的一代”。

婴儿潮一代(baby boomer 出生于1946-1964):“婴儿潮一代”普遍被为是“生活是为了工作的一代(live to work)”,这一代是美国八九十年代经济繁荣的创造者,代表人物有IT界大亨盖茨、乔布斯。

X一代(Generation X 出生于1965-1979):“X”有“寻找未知”、“否定现实”、“反抗社会”等含义。九十年代初期,打着“工作是为了生活(work to live)”旗帜的“X一代”进入职场。

千禧一代(Millennials 出生于1980-1990s):“我付出,你付钱”是这一代人喊出的口号。

Z一代(Generation Z 出生于1990s-现在):他们所长大的世界,应该是围绕着智能手机的世界。



1. While older consumers generally have brand preferences that are relatively hard to change, millennials are making many of their major purchases—such as car insurance—for the first time.
1. 年纪大的消费者对于品牌使用的倾向性相对比较难改变,而千禧一代正处于第一次开始他们一些重要的采购-比如汽车保险。

2. Yet surveys show that the majority of the nation’s millennials remain confident, asScott Nicholson is, that they will have satisfactory careers.
2. 但是调查表明,美国的大多数千禧年一代仍然像斯科特.尼克尔森一样相信,他们会有满意的事业。