好莱坞演员Heath Ledger去世,享年28岁。由于他在电影《蝙蝠侠前传2: 黑暗骑士》中的精彩表演,Heath Ledger在死后获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角的奖项。
Actor Heath Ledger dies at 28, posthumously wins Academy Award for playing the joker in The Dark Knight.

The catch. Eli Manning to David Tyree, stops the undefeating New England Patriots in the final two minutes of the Super Bowl.

Fidel Castro resigns as president of Cuba.

The first big sign of trouble on Wall Street. Bear Stearns teeters, but it's bought before collapsing.

纽约州州长Eliot Spitzer的招妓丑闻被曝光后辞职。
"Today I want to briefly address..."
New York governor Eliot Spitzer resigns after being caught up a prostitution scandal.

Myanmar disaster. Cyclone kills at least 146,000 people. Relief efforts slowed by politics as military rulers initially resist aid.

"This is exactly the party I planned..."
Hillary Clinton concedes defeat. Barack Obama will be the Democrat presidential nominee.

著名品牌伊夫圣罗兰的创始人Yves Saint Laurent去世,享年71岁。
"Prince of fashion" giant Yves Saint Laurent dies at 71.

"It's been a difficult time for many American families."
Gas prices soar past $4, hitting an all-time high.

Michael Phelps conquers China, taking a record 8 gold medals at the Summer Olympics.

前总统候选人John Edwards爆出婚外情绯闻。
"I don't respond to these lies."
Former presidential hopeful John Edwards admits to an extra-marital affair.

Sarah Palin is chosen as John McCain 's VP candidate.

Tiny Fey在"周六晚直播秀"节目中生动模仿莎拉·佩林而名声大噪。
"I can see Russia from my house."
SNL and Tiny Fey's popularity soars.

Big trouble on Wall Street. Lehman Brothers files from Bankruptcy.

Actor Paul Newman dies at age 83.

"Yes, we can."
"Yes, we can" becomes "Yes, we did." Barack Obama defeat John McCain becomes the first African American president.

Terrorists assault Mumbai, India, killing 195 people and injuring at least 250.

Duck. A parting gesture from an Iraqi reporter who throws a shoe at president Bush.



posthumous: happening, printed etc after someone's death 死后发生的
the Super Bowl: "超级碗"是美国国家美式足球联盟(National Football League, NFL)的年度冠军赛
teeter: 原来是指人走路摇摇晃晃,这里是指该公司濒临破产的边缘
extra-marital affair: an extramarital sexual relationship is one that a married person has with a person who is not their husband or wife 婚外情
duck: 原来的意思是鸭子,这里是说布什为了躲避鞋子,头一缩一缩的样子很像鸭脖子,所以这里是"低头"的意思。