4. Check your sense of entitlement at the door.  在进门之前检查下你自己的情绪

Are you miffed at applying for a job "beneath" your abilities or ticked at defending a career that began when the interviewer was in diapers? Those attitudes won't do you any favors.

One way to turn around your negative attitude and impress the interviewer at the same time, O'Connor recommends, is to come prepared with incisive questions about the job duties and the company. "Show you are in touch and engaged and understand their needs."

5. Clearly explain why the job will be good for you.   说清楚这份工作会给你带来什么样的好处

"If you hire me now, I won't lose my house" may be true, but it won't impress an interviewer. Have good reasons why it would benefit you personally and professionally. "If the position is in your area of passion, say so," DeCarlo advises. "You can make the case that even though you had a management job, for example, you want to move away from management. If the job is a good career fit, the employer will be much more impressed."

6. Make circumstantial evidence work for you.  利用别人的举荐

Remember, the employer is looking for a good "fit," and that means cultural and personal fit in addition to hard skills. Do you have volunteer experience or community commitments that would interest a hiring manager at a "young, hip" company? Emphasize them.

Likewise, your network can speak volumes for your ability to fit in. But make sure those contacts are recent, O'Connor says. Referrals from people who haven't seen you in 20 years could give the impression your most productive days are behind you.

What about the age issue? Career coaches admit age discrimination exists, but it may not be as widespread as seasoned job seekers like to believe. An updated wardrobe, newer hairstyle, or current cultural references could hedge against ageism, or they could make you look silly. Experts agree that the best way to impress a hiring manager is showing how well you understand their immediate problem and how you're the solution.

That's true for job seekers at any stage of their careers.

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