
与World Trade(国际贸易)相关的词汇

comprehensive income 综合收入

comparison shopping 比较购物

acceleration 加速,促进

sample order 照样品订货

the lion’s share 最大份额

fluctuation of price 价格波动

currency intervention 干预通货

economic stagnation 经济萧条

sophisticated technology 工艺精良

economic retaliation 经济报复

backfire on 对……产生事与愿违的效果

imposition of a fine 罚款

double imposition 复税

punitive surtax 惩罚性附加税

protectionist legislation 保护贸易立法

emergency credential 临时执照

anti-dumping 反倾销

outsource service 外包服务

excessive competitive 过度竞争

discount retailer 折扣零售商

community property 团体财产

rampant inflation 不能控制的通货膨胀

drastic slump 市价暴跌

be in the doldrums 处于萧条时期

cyclical responsiveness 周期性反应