2011法网:法网第二轮 娜姐赛后采访
2011-05-31 16:53
I mean, it's tough because opponent, I never saw her before. And also, I'll ask many players about information, but was come back zero. So, it's tough, like, because nobody knows how does she play looks like. So, that's why I was like, beginning the match I was little bit surprised because I think she has, like, tough forehand ever, like, after the bounce was more heavier. I was like looking at my coach "What am I doing after three games?" This not like normal girl's play on the clay. So, she was tough, dangerous player she was, yeah.
Did you have some problems with the wine?
The wine?
Yeah, the wind, sorry.
Oh, wind, I mean, yeah, I didn't, if I have a choice I would never choose the windy, you know on the court you couldn't do anything, you have to against wind and also if you're on the wind at match, you have to do something like, you couldn't always think about the windy. I mean, sometimes, you have to be friend with the windy you know, sometimes maybe they can help you.